Easy World Automation | Learn How Moxa's Solutions Help Enhance Industrial Cybersecurity

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Learn How Moxa's Solutions Help Enhance Industrial Cybersecurity

21 Jun Learn How Moxa's Solutions Help Enhance Industrial Cybersecurity

Secure Your Industrial Networks Every Step of the Way

Driven by both top-down and bottom-up forces, industrial cybersecurity has become an urgent initiative in many different industries. On one hand, the growing number of cybersecurity incidents and cyberattacks on critical public infrastructure, such as power substations, oil and gas pipelines, and water treatment plants, has prompted governments around the world to implement new laws and regulations that demand stronger industrial network security. On the other hand, private companies and smart factories are also realizing that they are no longer immune to cyberattacks and are also taking matters into their own hands to address potential cybersecurity risks on their networks. Indeed, industrial cybersecurity has become everyone’s responsibility and demands a new way of thinking. Continue reading to learn how Moxa can help you strengthen your industrial network security at every step of the way.

Top 5 Security Concerns in OT Environments

Legacy Systems

More than 40% of respondents to IDC EMEA’s European IT Security Survey in 2020 thought there were security concerns regarding maintaining the safety and reliability of legacy systems.


  • Prioritize your critical assets
  • Deploy virtual patching

Unrestricted Access

As more and more devices are connected, it is imperative to control access to your networks and devices.


  • Deploy network access control
  • Strengthen device security

Lack of Security Boundaries

Flat networks are commonplace in OT environments, which has allowed cyberattacks to spread across entire networks in recent years.


  • Achieve network segmentation by using firewalls or VLANs
  • Deploy micro-segmentation with an Idustrial IPS

Top 5 Security Concerns in OT Environments

With an ongoing commitment to ensuring reliable connectivity for industrial environments, Moxa

Moxa's Industrial Network Security Architecture

  • Secure Network Infrastructure

  • Industrial Cybersecurity Solution

Moxa's Industrial Network Security Architecture

  • Secure Network Infrastructure

  • Industrial Cybersecurity Solution

Why Moxa

To close the gap between the OT and IT worlds, Moxa offers coordinated solutions that are designed to completely protect your industrial networks.

Unite Networking and

Moxa unites industrial networking
and cybersecurity expertise to provide layered
protection for your industrial networks.

Continuously Enhancing

Moxa takes a proactive approach to protect
our products from security vulnerabilities and
help our customers better manage security risks.

Development for IT/OT

Moxa has partnered with TXOne Networks
to respond to the growing security needs
of industries as well as the security
demands from IT/OT personnel.

Security Talks Videos

Moxa has invited industry experts to discuss how to protect industrial networks.
If you are interested in learning about their insights, don’t miss our Security Talks videos.

Debunking Industrial Cybersecurity
Myths & Best Practices to Adopt

MOXA Industrial Cyber Security
Solution with IDS/IPS Using DPI

Moxa Cybersecurity Solution for
Power Substation

Easy World's Moxa's official distributor in the Middle East. For any further information please contact us via sales@eworldme.com.